Intersectional mouse genetics on the move

We are happy to announce that our next paper has been just published in Scientific Reports. Here, Palicz et al. reported that in a “classic” Cre-driver line for parvalbumin neurons (PV-Cre), against all expectations that it labels a pure population of inhibitory GABAergic neurons in the cerebral cortex, a substantial number of excitatory L5 pyramidal cells do express parvalbumin. By intersectional mouse genetics we could “clean-up” this confounder to obtain a PV-Cre::VGAT-Flp::Ai65 mouse line in which all GABAergic PV neurons express a red-fluorescent marker. This will be a valuable resource when optogenetic or chemogenetic manipulations for this cell population are intended. Congratulations to Rebeka and the entire team!

Be invited to read the full paper here:

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